With reference to the mandatory cash and exchange tender offer, pursuant to Articles 102, paragraph 1, and 106, paragraphs 1 and 2-bis, of the legislative decree 24 February 1998 No. 58 (the “Offer”) launched by Newlat Food S.p.A. (“Newlat Food” or the “Offeror”) on all the ordinary shares of Centrale del Latte d’Italia S.p.A. (the “Shares”), not already owned by the Offeror, it is highlighted that the Offer is addressed to all the owners of the Shares on equal conditions, but it is exclusively promoted on the Italian market, as the Shares are traded only on the Mercato Telematico Azionario organized and managed by Borsa Italiana S.p.A., STAR Segment.

The Offer was not and it shall not be promoted by Newlat Food in the United States of America, or in any other country subject to the jurisdiction of the United States of America (collectively the “United States of America”) – it was not and it shall not be addressed to a U.S. Person (as defined by the U.S. Securities Act dated 1933, as subsequently amended) – and it was not and it shall not be promoted in Australia, Canada, Japan and any country other than Italy in which this is not allowed without specific authorizations of the competent authorities (collectively the “Other Countries”), either by using the postal services or other communication or international commerce means (including therein, for example, the postal network, the fax, the telex, the e-mailing, the telephone and the internet) of the United States of America, Australia, Canada, Japan or of the Other Countries, or whatever financial intermediaries structure of the United States of America, Australia, Canada, Japan or of the Other Countries, or through any of the national regulated markets of the United States of America, Australia, Canada, Japan or of the Other Countries.

Copy of the Offer documentation, or part of it, as well as copy of any further document that the Offeror will issue in relation to the Offer, are not and shall not be sent, or in any way transmitted, or distributed, directly or indirectly, in the United States of America, Australia, Canada, Japan or Other Countries. Anyone who receives the above mention documentation shall not distribute, send or forward them (either by using the postal services or other communication or commerce means) in the United States of America, Australia, Canada, Japan or Other Countries.

Therefore, acceptance to the Offer by parties residing in countries other than Italy may be subject to specific obligations or restrictions as provided for by the applicable laws and regulations. It is the sole responsibility of the addressees of this Offer to verify the existence and applicability of any such provisions, using appropriate consultants and intermediaries, and to comply with such laws and regulations prior to accepting the Offer.

Acceptances of the Offer caused by solicitation activities carried out in violation of the limitations described herein shall not be accepted by the Offeror.

The Offer document, the documents and information contained in this section of the website do not constitute and shall not be construed as an offer of financial instruments addressed to residents in the United States of America, Canada, Japan, Australia or in the Other Countries. Anyone who is in possession of the above-mentioned documents shall abstain from distributing or transmitting, either directly or indirectly, in and/or from the United States of America, Australia, Canada, Japan and in or from the Other Countries or to a U.S. Person.

Anyone who intends to examine the Offer document and the other documents contained in this section of the website must read carefully and be fully aware of the information reported above. By clicking on the button “Accept”, the investor represents and warrants that (s)he has fully understood and accepted the limitations reported above and also that (s)he is not a U.S. Person nor (s)he is or resides in the United States of America, Canada, Japan, Australia and any of the Other Countries.

Il Gruppo riconosce l’importanza di pratiche agricole e sistemi di produzione sostenibili e, nello svolgimento della propria attività, contribuisce al supporto della produttività agricola grazie ad una continua collaborazione con le filiere di approvvigionamento.

Tra gli obiettivi che Newlat Food si pone, vi è quello di ascoltare e soddisfare i bisogni e le esigenze dei consumatori, tra cui la crescente attenzione verso la salute ed il benessere. Il Gruppo adotta azioni volte al miglioramento dei parametri qualitativi, produttivi e igienico-sanitari, diffondendo ed accrescendo la cultura della qualità e della sicurezza alimentare lungo tutte le fasi del ciclo di approvvigionamento e produttivo. Newlat Food, inoltre, ha da sempre promosso uno stile alimentare sano ed equilibrato, basando il proprio business su alimenti alla base della piramide alimentare e dedicando costanti investimenti in progetti di ricerca e sviluppo volti a soddisfare i consumatori con precise esigenze nutrizionali legate all’età, a intolleranze o allergie ed a motivazioni etiche, culturali e religiose.

Lo sviluppo e il potenziamento dell'inclusione sociale ed economica di tutti, a prescindere da età, sesso, disabilità, razza, etnia, origine, religione, status economico o altro avviene supportando le pari opportunità e riducendo le disuguaglianze di risultato, anche attraverso l’adozione di adeguate procedure di reclutamento, assunzione, formazione, remunerazione, premiazione e per la valorizzazione delle diversità ed il rispetto dei diritti umani.

Il contributo ad una crescita economica duratura, inclusiva e sostenibile avviene attraverso scelte e strategie di business orientate verso la diversificazione, l'aggiornamento tecnologico, l'innovazione e l'efficienza delle risorse globali nel consumo e nella produzione nel tentativo di scindere la crescita economica dal degrado ambientale. 

Newlat Food si impegna ad adottare misure immediate ed efficaci per eliminare qualsiasi forma di lavoro forzato, proteggendo i diritti del lavoro, promuovendo un ambiente di lavoro sicuro e protetto per tutti i lavoratori, contribuendo alla piena e produttiva occupazione, ed offrendo un lavoro dignitoso con parità di retribuzione per lavoro di pari valore.

 Il Gruppo persegue modelli sostenibili di produzione e di consumo attraverso l'uso efficiente delle risorse naturali, impegnandosi a contenere lo spreco lungo le filiere di produzione e fornitura, monitorando il rilascio di inquinanti in aria, acqua e suolo e limitando la produzione di rifiuti favorendo il riciclo di questi ultimi.

Nell’ottica di una sempre maggiore trasparenza, Newlat Food non solo integra le informazioni sulla sostenibilità nelle relazioni periodiche, ma attraverso l’organizzazione di seminari, visite e percorsi educativi contribuisce a divulgare le informazioni rilevanti e diffondere consapevolezza in tema di sviluppo sostenibile e stili di vita in armonia con la natura.

La lotta al cambiamento climatico si concretizza integrando nella strategia di Gruppo misure di contrasto alla propria impronta ambientale. Newlat Food misura e rendiconta sistematicamente i propri impatti con l’obiettivo di limitarli quanto più possibile.

La tutela della biodiversità, la conservazione e l'uso sostenibile della risorsa idrica e degli ecosistemi terrestri avviene anche grazie al pieno rispetto degli accordi internazionali e delle regolamentazioni in materia ambientale attuate nella strategia di Gruppo attraverso l’adozione di specifiche politiche e pratiche ambientali mirate.

The Group recognises the importance of sustainable agricultural practices and production systems and, in carrying out its business, contributes to supporting agricultural productivity through continuous collaboration with supply chains.

Among Newlat Food's objectives is to listen to and meet the needs and demands of consumers, including the increasing focus on health and well-being. The Group takes action to improve the quality of its production and its standards in terms of health and hygiene, spreading and enhancing the culture of food quality and safety throughout all stages of the procurement and production cycle. Moreover, Newlat Food has always promoted a healthy and balanced eating style, basing its business on foods that are at the base of the food pyramid and dedicating constant investments to research and development projects aimed at satisfying consumers with specific nutritional needs related to age, intolerances or allergies and ethical, cultural and religious reasons.

Contribution to lasting, inclusive and sustainable economic growth occurs through business choices and strategies oriented towards diversification, technological upgrading, innovation and global resource efficiency in consumption and production, in an attempt to decouple economic growth from environmental degradation.
Newlat Food is committed to taking immediate and effective measures to eliminate all forms of forced labour, protecting labour rights, promoting a safe and secure working environment for all workers, contributing to full and productive employment, and offering decent work with equal pay for work of equal value.

The development and enhancement of social and economic inclusion for all, regardless of age, gender, disability, race, ethnicity, origin, religion, economic or other statuses is achieved by supporting equal opportunities and reducing inequalities in outcomes, including through the adoption of appropriate procedures for recruitment, hiring, training, remuneration, rewards and for the enhancement of diversity and respect for human rights.

The Group pursues sustainable models of production and consumption through the efficient use of natural resources, committing itself to containing waste along the production and supply chains, monitoring the release of pollutants into the air, water and soil and limiting the production of waste by favouring its recycling.

With a view to increasing transparency, Newlat Food not only integrates sustainability information into its reports, but through the organisation of seminars, visits and educational tours contributes to disseminating relevant information and spreading awareness about sustainable development and lifestyles in harmony with nature.

The fight against climate change is realised by integrating measures to counter the Group’s environmental footprint into its strategy. Newlat Food systematically measures and reports its impacts with the aim of limiting them as much as possible.

Protection of biodiversity, conservation and sustainable use of water resources and terrestrial ecosystems is also achieved through full compliance with international agreements and environmental regulations implemented in the Group's strategy through the adoption of specific environmental policies and practices.