Corporate governance and sustainability

Sustainability management has become an integral part of the Group’s strategy through the involvement of top management such as governance, internal committees and key corporate functions.
Board of Directors
It pursues sustainable success through the implementation of a strategy aimed at including environmental, social and governance elements, considering in its assessments all risks that may be relevant from the perspective of sustainability in the medium to long term.
Risk and Sustainability Committee
It supports the Board of Directors on sustainability issues, in particular, it examines and evaluates sustainability policies, defines sustainability guidelines and plans, monitors the Company’s inclusion in ESG indices and examines the content of non-financial reporting.
Risk and Sustainability Committee
It supports the Board of Directors on sustainability issues, in particular, it examines and evaluates sustainability policies, defines sustainability guidelines and plans, monitors the Company’s inclusion in ESG indices and examines the content of non-financial reporting.
Sustainability Management Committee
Consisting of the main corporate functions involved in the development of business policies and practices, such as Operations, Human Resources, Finance, Investor Relations, Quality and R&D, Purchasing and Marketing, the Committee interacts transversally with all corporate entities, guiding the decision-making processes and responsibility for specific ESG initiatives and optimising the coordination of all parties involved.
Sustainability Function
Reporting directly to the Board of Directors, the sustainability function plays a research and in-depth role on regulatory and contextual developments in the field of sustainable development, sharing the evidence emerged with the functions involved from time to time and suggesting any improvement actions based on the mapping and assessment of processes, risks and controls adopted within the Group. The sustainability function also supports all activities aimed at preparing non-financial reports and information, including the Consolidated Non-Financial Statement contained in the Annual Financial Report.
Sustainability Function
Reporting directly to the Board of Directors, the sustainability function plays a research and in-depth role on regulatory and contextual developments in the field of sustainable development, sharing the evidence emerged with the functions involved from time to time and suggesting any improvement actions based on the mapping and assessment of processes, risks and controls adopted within the Group. The sustainability function also supports all activities aimed at preparing non-financial reports and information, including the Consolidated Non-Financial Statement contained in the Annual Financial Report.